Showing posts with label free astrology India. Show all posts
Showing posts with label free astrology India. Show all posts

Monday, 5 October 2020

Free astrology consultation in India | Get instant free astrology advice


Astrology can foresee and take care of a wide range of life issues. Do you know how astrology can change your life? Through our free astrology advice, you can solve all the problems in your life.Free astrology consultation are a perfect way to get a detailed analysis of your life.

Online astrology services

At present times, online astrology is extremely common as everything is going digital. It is easy to reach if you have the computer and internet. Here you will be able to access the forecasting in a very comprehensive way and based on
Vedic astrology.

You will be able to get what you want through online astrology such as predictions of your future in different categories of life like love, marriage, relationships, money, family, health and career, business, travel. The Hindu astrology is famous in solving these kinds of problems with accurate astrology prediction free solutions.

What is Indian Astrology?

Indian Astrology is one of the paramount experiences of information available to human-kind and has contributed greatly to our lives.

Astrology’s makes use of the birth astrology and planetary movements to predict human life Astrology may be a reflection of your life and instruction for self-realization. It’s not completely flawless like other disciplines. But it helps within its limit, even as psychology, economics does. But there’s a better probability of prediction comes true with free astrology advice.

When you should go for online astrology consultation?

Whenever you’re suffering through a difficult period, and you don’t have time to visit an astrologer then you should go for online astrology through which things will rotate for you and become more positive. Free astrology predictions allow experts to check two birth charts and to review them thoroughly.

A Comparison of birth charts reveals key points of data about relationships, both romantic and professional. An Astrologer can guide you on whether you’ll hit it off together with your date and if you’ll get on with your new boss for as an example.

Free online astrology consultation gives you the advice you need to be ready to make good decisions along life’s path. With this free astrology advice, you’ll be able to decide for yourself how you want to act on it. The experts normally warn you about good and bad influences in your life and will never try to influence or hamper your judgment.

Palmistry services in India

A palmistry service is one of the famous services which are utilized by the astrologer to forecasting human life. One thing with palmistry forecasting is that, doesn’t require of planet and star details or your birth chart. It believes that the line of the human’s palm can describe the entire destiny and fate- Success, Love, Marriage, education, business everything is concealed in that palm. Get free Indian astrology by date of birth consultation from the best astrologer.

Online consultancy for love problem

In this modern world, people’s life is incomplete without love and faith. Love is the most precious feeling which makes everyone’s life more wonderful, but many of the unluckier people, who haven’t good destiny, this is often why the love part of their life is blank. If an equivalent thing happing with you then you don’t get to go anywhere simply because you can get free astrology consultancy for love problem online and get a free astrology report. So take the help of the best astrologer in India and make your life more wonderful and exciting.

Career consultancy in India

A bright career is important for living a quality life but sometimes, our wrong decision may spoil our whole career. It also happens with many who, even after doing diligence within the right direction, they’re unable to urge success. If you would like to urge the reassurance of success in career then you need to take the help of free online astrology consultation for career.

Get the real deal about
astrology today and grab the latest astrology compatibility chart if you have any doubts about what the future holds for you. Visit or call @ +91 9776190123 for more information.



Wednesday, 5 February 2020

The clue to your career revealed by planets

Are you anxious about your professional career and trying to shape your future? Here’s a detailed career analysis based on your planets. Get free career astrology prediction by best astrology service in India.

Career is considered to be an important aspect because we earn our daily bread and butter from our profession. Sometimes it seems difficult to choose the right career in life. Because there are so many options available which one leads to confusion as which direction to choose! There are some methods in astrology from which a person can explore his interest in life. Definitely free astrology India can help someone to choose the right career according to planet positions.

Chat with free online astrologer for your career success

Expert astrologer in India predicts the career based on a person’s personality what kind of interest he wants from his life. Some may want status while others want financial stability. Some people may show interest in the public dealing and travel while others will need solitude and no travel. Some like to work from home, while others want to work from office. An attempt to figure one’s life profession will reveal all these variables.

What astrology says about your career?

Your free online chat with astrologer will reveal the natural talents you inherent at the time of your birth which can contribute to your work and career path. In astrology the ascendant and the ruling planet of the ascendant in which house the planet resides will reflect the main interest of the individual throughout life.
The 10th house is house of career and profession.
The 6th house is for work.
See, what planets are located in these two houses and what these planets are indicating towards, as well as the houses they rule. The houses these planets rule when located in the career houses (6th and 10th) will tell what kind of career they will have.

Are you in the suitable profession that the planets have decided for you?

The next step is to check what houses the rulers of the two houses of work and career, 6th and 10th occupy. These areas will be of major importance as to the talents and interests of the individual. The 2nd house and its ruler can indicate the way in which we make our money, gives clues to the profession or career. It is the 2nd, 6th, and 10th houses which are the artha houses. Artha is the recognition in the material world and wealth, so all three of these houses are indicative of our career choices.
The planets that are indicators for career are Sun and Saturn, because they are for the 10th house which is the house of Career. See the houses they occupy in relation to interest and abilities. The Sun is the planet of leadership and power and is important to career. Saturn as ruler of the 10th sign Capricorn will indicate where we are organized and disciplined.

Planets and career interest

  • Career Indication of Sun: Government job, Authoritative job, Presidents, military, and politicians.

  • Career Indication of Moon: Moon gives fame, Caring nature. Food industry, chefs, cook, nursing.
  • Career Indication of Mars: Soldier, police, real estate, sports, military, engineers, doctors, surgeons, detectives.
  • Career Indication of Mercury: Communicative business like writing, teaching, sales, computers, telephones, T.V., travel, and advertising.
  • Career Indication of Jupiter: Lawyer, teachers, professors, judges, politicians, astrologers, Priest, spiritual leaders, pilot, and management of finance.
  • Career Indication of Venus: Fashion designer, entertainer, acting, Arts, music, luxuries, florist, makeup, fashion, clothes, hotel management and interior designing.
  • Career Indication of Saturn: Humanitarians, leaders, organizers, disciplinarians, real estate, metal business, law field.
  • Career Indication of Rahu (North Node): Showbiz business, entertainment, Politics, medicine, pharmaceuticals, alcohol, drugs, foreign items, foreign trade, electrical things, and aircraft.
  • Career Indication of Ketu (South Node): Spiritual healer, monk, astrologers, scientist, metaphysical studies, and research work.
  • Career Indication of Neptune: Films, photographer, artist, poet, psychic, oil, gas, alcohol, drugs, water, wine and work in ships.
  • Career Indication of Uranus: Astrology, aircraft, technology, inventions, computers, electricity, digital media.
  • Career Indication of Pluto: Atomic energy, corporate field and power energy.

Free astrology consultation can help you choose your career wisely

Depending on house, your planets and its sign influence most in your chart you may have career interest. Free online astrology consultation for career in a deeper level can be assessed by nakshatra and career associated house and planets.
 Nakshatra of Ascendant, Sun, Moon and 10th house lord shows interest and capabilities within you. Ascendant nakshatra indicates your basic interest throughout your life. Sun nakshatra shows what your soul wants and Moon nakshatra show what you are mentally inclined and 10th house’s lord nakshatra is your professional life.

Plan a perfect long term career taking free astrology advice

Check your nakshatra of career associated house and planets, Ascendant, Sun, Moon and 10th lord nakshatra to know your career path. Nakshatra associated with North Node (Rahu) and South Node (Ketu) can be your soul purpose of life. Nakshatra of these Lunar Nodes compel you to automatically achieve your desire in your life. can provide you online free josiyam for a prosperous and fulfilling career ahead by analysing your planets and houses. Discover your career path now.

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